
A smile line drawing in the colour black A smile icon in green

Whether you’re looking for insights into FemTech, UX research, or a bit of both, here are our musings on everything we know (and love) …

Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

Women's health mindsets: A framework for designing FemTech solutions

Current News

Mindsets are shaped by experiences, expectations, and decision-making processes, forming one of the foundations to. But how do we take these mental models to make impactful decisions? Let's delve into the essence of mental models for women's health.

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Top 3 pro's and cons of using social media in your user research strategy

Social media mining sounds far more complicated than it really is. It refers to the process of searching, analysing and presenting patterns and trends from social media data. 

Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023


Building an accessible service

FemTech has the potential to bridge the gender health gap. But these solutions must be available and beneficial to everyone - across different ages, abilities, backgrounds and incomes.

Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023


UX trends in FemTech

For this blog, we explore some of the UX trends in FemTech over the past few years. We highlight three key ways FemTech is evolving, along with changes we hope to see in the future.

Elenor Riches


April 24, 2023

Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

Using a problem canvas to map scale in UX Research

Current News

If you don't know the scale of your problem, then how do you know how to plan a solution?

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Building an accessible service


Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

UX trends in FemTech


Elenor Riches


April 24, 2023

When UX met FemTech


Elenor Riches


April 24, 2023

Create discovery pockets for rich UX Research


Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

Women's health mindsets: A framework for designing FemTech solutions

Research Methods

Mindsets are shaped by experiences, expectations, and decision-making processes, forming one of the foundations to. But how do we take these mental models to make impactful decisions? Let's delve into the essence of mental models for women's health.

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Free Tools for UX Research in FemTech

Discovery Methods

Elenor Riches


April 24, 2023

Prepare the team for UX Research

Discovery Methods

Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

Quantitative UX Research methods

Discovery Methods

Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

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