Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

Create discovery pockets for rich UX Research

We focus our research methods into understanding what's happening right now with your product, service or users so you can drive decisions for future users.

Discovery, pretty much summed up in the name.

You want to learn not only about current products and services but:

  • Identify people that are currently being underserved by the market
  • Stories that explore similarities and differences in experiences
  • Capture key moments that can change or form brand impressions

So, how do we do it?

We focus on creating studies that we can reuse throughout the product life cycle. This means we can look at moments over short and long term.Layer information and run studies in parallel to gain knowledge that is rich in breadth and depth.

Our toolkit is rooted in classic frameworks for conducting UX research.The are three foundational methods we have in the WorkieTicket toolkit are:


Yes interviews, even Gillian who left that hideous feedback needs to be embraced. We want to learn by:

  • Discussing key moments around the experience
  • Having broad but guided discussions, the goal is to collect information about problem areas
  • Listening to users, provide breathing space and a moment to explore

Experience mapping

We prioritise the problems and start to evaluate them at a deeper level. We want to learn:

  • About steps in depth along the journey
  • Having target discussions, the goal is to understand processes that users go including technology and support
  • Document emotions and create empathy with your users

Process mapping

We map information and decisions as users work their way through key interactions and moments.We want to:

  • Know how we are supporting users through their decisions  
  • Create a single source of truth, a living breathing document of research to prioritise future problems
  • Visualise the relationships between people and services

More resources

Building an accessible service

Hannah Knowles


April 28, 2023

UX trends in FemTech

Elenor Riches


April 24, 2023

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