Elenor Riches


April 24, 2023

When UX met FemTech

We focus our research methods into understanding what's happening right now with your product, service or users so you can drive decisions for future users.

UX and FemTech have underlying principles that go hand in hand, making them a powerful combination. That’s why here at Workie Ticket, we’re so passionate about using high-quality research to further innovation in female health.

Both UX and FemTech are about finding underserved users and their needs – then finding sustainable solutions.

First off, what exactly is UX?

UX stands for user experience, in other words – the journeys and experiences of the people who use your product or service. UX research is all about asking the right questions and getting to the bottom of what your users actually do and really need. These findings can then be used strategically to build solutions that create maximum user impact.  

By designing products or services with UX in mind from the outset, you can develop a high-level user experience that can be refined over time.

Ok, so what about FemTech?

FemTech can be defined as any product or service that uses technology to improve the health of women and people with menstrual cycles. This can range from telehealth services to commercial products or educational resources.

FemTech exists because historically, female health has been ignored and excluded from healthcare innovation.

Shame and stigma have controlled the narrative surrounding women’s health, silencing their voices over time. This meant that those with power in medical spaces have made assumptions about best practices in women’s health, without directly consulting women’s lived experiences. In other words, the complete opposite of UX.

This has created significant gaps in health research, education and solutions - often referred to as ‘the gender health gap’.

The gender health gap not only creates poorer health outcomes for women – it often threatens the value of new solutions. This is because we often don’t fully understand the scope of the problem, meaning solutions can sometimes fail to have enough impact. That’s where UX research comes in.

So how do UX and FemTech meet?

UX in FemTech puts real women’s voices at the centre of all development, ensuring they’re truly heard. By prioritising lived experiences, healthcare brands and services can build with their users in mind from the outset.

UX research should be the rock-solid foundation of any new FemTech company.

Often, FemTech founders build their companies based on their own lived experiences of a health problem. This in itself puts the FemTech industry in a unique position – in that brands are immediately relatable to their users and have a clearly defined purpose.

Despite the prevalence of founder lived experiences in FemTech, user research still needs to be prioritised because women’s experiences of health are by no means homogenous. For example, 100 women could have the same health condition and share 100 different perspectives on their journeys. UX is about analysing these perspectives and identifying the critical pain points that span across these accounts.

By targeting shared pain points and recognising the diversity of experiences across women’s health – UX research empowers FemTech brands to create meaningful solutions that address the right problems in the most impactful way.

Remember: UX doesn’t have to be complicated.

It can be as simple as routinely engaging with your users, audience or community and asking how you can best help them. As your company evolves, keeping your users at the centre of your growth will ensure you’re continuing to help the people you care most about.

Whether you’re an established company, in the early stages or just playing with a new idea – UX research is a valuable tool at any stage of your journey.

Hiring a research consultant through Workie Ticket could be the solution if you’re unsure where to start and need a helping hand. Check out our packages to see what suits you best, or contact us directly about your project.

More resources

Building an accessible service

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UX trends in FemTech

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April 24, 2023

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